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Are you in the market for a panty deal? Do you enjoy sniffing used panties? Are you looking to sell used panties? You can have come to the right place. snifffr is one of the worlds biggest marketplace for those looking for used panties. There are thousands of buyers and sellers on the marketplace. New buyers and sellers are joining snifffr everyday looking to get a great panty dealer. The community is growing rapidly, offering a diverse range of panty deals to suit all tastes and preferences. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, snifffr provides an ideal platform to connect and explore.

Fast Growing Fetish Community


Learn the ropes

The first step to get yourself a great deal is to sign up for an account on snifffr. When signing up, you will be required to input certain information. This includes: username, date of birth, country, password and email address. You are required to be over 18.

It is really important that you enter in all the correct information. This will help you get the best deals. Sellers will use the powerful search functionality to find you. By entering in the correct information, sellers will know more about you and offer you what you are after. Using the site’s panty finder tool can also enhance your search experience, allowing you to locate specific types of panties that meet your preferences.

In addition, please ensure that you enter the correct country that you reside in. Many sellers who are offering a panty deal, only offer deals to buyers in their same country. This is done in order to keep the cost of shipping down which will make your purchase cheaper. Local panty dealers are often more economical and faster, ensuring you receive your items promptly and without unnecessary shipping costs.

If you lose your password, you can use the password reset functionality to get yourself a new password. Please ensure you check your junk mail folder if you cannot find the reset password email. Nonetheless, you can always contact snifffr support if you require further assistance. The support team is always ready to help you with any issues you might encounter, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience on the platform.

How to sell used panties

Are you in the market to sell used panties with a great deal? snifffr is the perfect place to offer a panty deal to buyers. The online marketplace boasts thousands of users across many countries. Below are just a few tips to help you get started. By joining snifffr, you can reach a large audience eager to buy, making it an excellent opportunity to monetize your offerings.

The first part of the process is to sign up for a free account. The free account has limited functionality but it will be enough to get you going. A free account entitles you to setup your profile, add a profile picture, add information about yourself, add a few items to your store and view the Live Feed of snifffr activity. Many sellers choose to upgrade their account to a premium version. This entitles you to full access to the snifffr website. Premium membership offers enhanced features, such as access to advanced selling tools, making it easier to close pantie deals.

A premium membership has two very important aspects to selling your used panties. The first one is online chat. Sellers say that many a panty deal get completed on online chat. The chat is live and instant. It is a great place to meet new buyers. However, not all transactions are completed on live chat. Live chat allows for real-time communication, which can help build trust and finalize transactions of pantie deal.

You can choose to offer a deal to a buyer using a private message. Private message is an excellent tool. It enables you to chat with potential buyers who are not on online chat. For example in the USA, with the different time zones, many buyers may be online at different times to the seller of their choice. This flexibility ensures that you can negotiate and close pantie deals at any time, regardless of time zone differences.

Buying Tips

Don't miss out

When looking for the best deal, you should use all the tools available on snifffr to help you. A great place to start, which is really quick and easy to find a deal, is the Girl of the Day. This deal constantly gets updated with new offerings. Many buyers have received excellent used panty deals through this feature. Keep an eye on this section to catch the latest and most exciting pantie deals as soon as they become available.

In addition, you may want to use the very powerful search functionality on snifffr. The site wide search, picks up what you are looking for across the entire website. It then neatly breaks it down into the relevant category. Use the panty finder to streamline your search and find exactly what you’re looking for with minimal effort.

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Know Who You Are Dealing With

There is a fake check process on snifffr in place. This helps the buyer to know that the images of the seller are legit. For a seller or buyer to pass the fake check, they need to do the following. Submit an picture to snifffr which contains the user holding an A4 piece of paper. On the paper, it should contain today’s date and the word SNIFFFR.


Part of creating a purchase is to arrange shipping. This should be discussed before a deal concludes. It needs to be decided who is going to pay the cost of shipping. Many sellers choose to include the cost of shipping in their cost. This is usually stated in the description. However, to avoid any issues, it should always be discussed. Clear communication about shipping costs can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smooth transaction.

Payment for your order

Once a panty deal has been reached between the buyer and seller, payment needs to be arranged. There are two main options when it comes to payment. Many buyers tend to pay for their order with snifffr tokens. This is a great way to make payment. The buyer purchases coins from the snifffr marketplace. The buyer will then pay the seller the tokens for their product or service. The seller cashes out tokens with snifffr. This flexible payment system ensures that you can choose the most convenient method for your transactions, enhancing your overall experience on the platform.

Age Restriction on snifffr

In order to be part of of snifffr, you must be over 18. On signup, you will be required to provide your date of birth. In addition, you will tick a box that states that you are 18 or older. snifffr does not allow minors onto the marketplace. This age restriction is in place to ensure that all transactions and interactions on the site are conducted responsibly and legally.




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