Are you looking to make extra cash? If so, you are in luck as this article is a detailed guide on how you can make money by selling your dirty knickers rather than throwing them away. As a result, this allows you to make money and can even take up this venture as a business. One challenge you are bound to face is finding a trustworthy site to find prospective clients and sell your worn knickers. However, this needs not to be an issue anymore thanks to snifffr, a platform through which you can make money selling your used knickers.
DIY Tips On How To Sell Used Knickers on snifffr
It is essential to master the techniques of selling dirty knickers on snifffr. If this is your desire, here are some useful steps you should follow;
Sign Up
The first step is opening an account on snifffr through which you will sell worn knickers. Make sure to design an appealing profile that can quickly attract prospective clients.
Upload Images of Dirty Knickers to Your Individual Shop
Buyers are more open to buying dirty knickers if you upload a picture of yourself. This will win you more potential clients easily compared to remaining anonymous. However, it is your sole right to decide whether to remain anonymous or not, and snifffr does not have any requirements stating you must show your face. You should also upload images of the dirty knickers that are being placed on sale.
Private Message or Live Chat with Buyers When Selling Worn Knickers
Incorporated on the snifffr platform is a live chat and private messages option that allows you to chat with potential buyers. These effective communication methods will enable you to engage with your buyers, thereby adding a thrill to the buying of dirty knickers.
Sell The Worn Knickers
After a buyer chooses their desired knickers, you should finalize the transaction.
Build Your Shop
If you wish to expand your shop specializing in the selling worn knickers, add more knickers to your collection for your future potential clients. Doing this will gradually win you more clients because a higher number of buyers will be returning to your shop to see the knickers available for purchase.
How Is Payment for Dirty Knickers Made?
There are several payment options available for selling your worn knickers on snifffr. Most sellers usually opt for payment to be done through online payment platforms such as Google Wallet or Venmo. However, you must engage the buyer before to decide which payment method is convenient for both parties. You should also note that payment for selling dirty knickers cannot be made through PayPal since any adult industry transactions are prohibited. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid PayPal.
There is also another payment option available, which entails the buyer purchasing snifffr coins to pay for the seller. As a seller, you can cash out the coins through the snifffr site. Nonetheless, it would be best to read through the terms and conditions that can be found on the coins page before accepting or buying snifffr coins.
If you are looking to sell used knickers online, reading through this article has provided you with valuable insight on how to do so through snifffr. Knowing this, you should now capitalize on this opportunity either as a part-time or full-time job to make money.
Written by: Laura Thorpe