So you have signed up to snifffr and now you want to make some money!!! Below are a few tips that will help you to sell used underwear. Take 2 minutes to read the below, it should help you to make money!!
Sellers do best when they have full account information. This includes a short bio about themselves, their hobbies and interests. A profile picture and cover picture are super important to a good profile. Buyers want to know exactly who the used panty seller is. We also recommend that you upload photos to your gallery. This will help the used panty buyer to get to know you. Some used panty sellers like to tell buyers what they are willing and not willing to do in their bio.
Upload Used Panties To The Shop
Now you are ready to upload your panties to your Shop! It's really quick and easy. From your Profile page, just click on Shop and then proceed to upload the images. Be sure to give your used underwear a great description. Let the buyers know exactly what you have done in them and what they cost. Many used panty sellers make the mistake of not uploading a picture of their used panties they are selling. Be sure to include a picture!
Many used panty sellers offer other services. This includes personalised videos, webcam chat, phone calls, photos and other creative experiences. You can create these additional services as listings in your shop. Be descriptive and add a price. The more product you have for sale, the greater your chances of making a sale.
Fake Check
Once you have uploaded your information including bio and imagery, submit a Fake Check to snifffr. A fake check ensures you are who you say you are. The picture is submitted to snifffr, it is not put on your profile and remains anonymous at snifffr. Please read the instructions carefully on the fake check page. It will take just 30 seconds to complete your fake check.
Find Used Pantie Buyers
Successful used panty sellers go out and catch buyers! Have a look at the buyers page on the snifffr website. Then, send a private message to buyers that you think would be interested in your used panties. The more messages you send, the greater your chance of selling your panties. Some used panty buyers will also find your used panties in the Shop. They will private message you.
Online Chat
The online chat is a great way to engage with used panty buyers. The online chat should be located in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. As buyers come online, reach out to them and say HI!
The snifffr social community has an activity feed. Follow the activity feed to see new buyers signing up. When a new buyer signs up - reach out to them and introduce yourself.
When someone interested in buying used panties sends you a private message, respond as soon as you can. If you make the used panty buyer wait more than a day, chances are they will contact someone else.
Further information about uploading Profile details can be found below
Fill out all your information on your profile. This includes: your about section, profile photo and cover photo
Next, fill in the rest of your profile details such as you DOB, Display Name & Country. Don't forget to update your MY EQUIPMENT and I WANT TO EARN MONEY WITH sections.
Written by: Laura Thorpe