Buy & Sell fart fetish videos

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Explore your flatulophilia

Whether you’re looking to sell or buy your first fart fetish video at snifffr, here is all you need to know about fart fetish and fart fetish videos.

The snifffr platform stands out among fart fetish sites for its robust community and extensive resources. Whether you’re an experienced seller or a newbie looking to explore this unique fetish market, snifffr provides the tools and support needed to succeed. The platform’s reputation as a trusted fart fetish website ensures a safe and anonymous environment for all users.

Read on to find out more about these topics:

How do I buy fart fetish videos? 

If you’re looking to purchase fart fetish videos, there are various online platforms that specialize in this niche. Here are some of the best choices available:

  • Snifffr – this adult marketplace and community is here to cater to your fetish needs. There are tons of features that will help you to buy fart fetish videos online such as live chat, pictures, videos and a custom payment system. The website helps to keep you anonymous. 
  • Clips4Sale – this website has a section where you can find fart fetish videos for sale. 
  • APClips – the website supports creators and enthusiasts. 

When buying your video, you need to consider the following points:

  • The platform reputation is important. Ensure you are purchasing videos from a platform that offers secure transactions and excellent customer service. 
  • You will want to know that the seller is legitimate. Look out for platforms where sellers are verified. For example, provides a fake check verified badge to sellers who have undertaken the checks. 
  • Video quality goes a long way. Request good quality videos with top notch sound from the seller. 
  • You will also want to customize your order. Therefore, the platform should allow you to be able to effectively communicate with the seller through online chat. 
  • Many sellers wish to remain anonymous. Respect the wishes of the sellers. 
women sitting on toilet farting

Buy & Sell Fart fetish Videos Anonymously


What is a fart fetish?

The smell can be a potent sexual stimuli. Some people love body odors like sweat and vaginal discharge (olfactophilia), while others enjoy smelling farts. As the research on olfaction continues, it doesn’t come as a surprise that flatulence is entering the erotic market.

A person who gets sexually aroused by farts is known as an eproctophile. A single or series of fart sounds, smells or discharge ignites sexual arousal. Believe it or not, there is a community consisting of serial farting enthusiasts who either break wind on their sexual partners or prefer being farted on. Furthermore, they can go the extra mile of practicing inhalation techniques to get sexually aroused. The reasons some people get turned on by flatulence include:

An environment or situation that aggravates farting

According to most studies, eproctophilia happens when an individual is in an environment or situation likely to encourage farting. It could be any place from the bedroom, washroom or in a club. When someone farts, they can get sexually aroused, which might lead to masturbation or sexual intercourse.

It’s a romantic gesture

Most people get turned on after caressing, touch, body language, speech and more. But when it comes to eproctophilia, all it takes is to watch and hear someone fart. While an average person might find this uncouth, the truth is there is no standard manual for getting sexually aroused. The fact that it is a habit that is shunned makes such a relationship appear unique. Think of it this way: the first thing anyone will do in a room filled with a pungent-smelling fart is scamper for their safety. 

For many in the community, visiting fart fetish websites like snifffr provides an avenue to connect with like-minded individuals. These platforms offer a variety of content and interactions that cater to the unique preferences of each user, making them invaluable resources for anyone interested in this fetish.

To dominate and humiliate

In the world of eproctophilia, dominance and humiliation are everything. For someone to demonstrate their vulnerability by letting out a fart to ignite a sexual response means both parties get what they want. In this case, you are the fart slave because you enjoy getting humiliated. When you find a partner who is bold enough to pass gas and it ends up in sex, then you know your flatulence fetish has been accomplished. And that’s pretty much what your video should demonstrate.

It exposes vulnerability

Do you remember the first blind date you went to? Of course, you wanted your date to see your best side. So you’ll try hiding your weaknesses to impress them. You wait for them to become comfortable with you before releasing your true self. And one of the things you can’t wait to do is release a fart, not worrying about how they’ll perceive you. That is an act of vulnerability.

Forget about how uncouth breaking wind around your partner seems. The act of farting on your partner’s face to arouse them sexually oozes a high degree of vulnerability. Your fart slave expects you to show your weaker side, and nothing compares to how they respond afterward.

Women wearing black used underwear to fart in

Tips for flatulence fetish for webcam or video-shooting enthusiasts

The first rule about shooting fart videos for money is to view it like any other business. There will be times when you don’t get any audience or land any sales. Harsh critics might fall your way, but it takes a passionate person with thick skin to make it in this industry. So whether you’re venturing in fart videos for the first time or want to sharpen your video-shooting skills with fart fetish content, here are some helpful tips to help you get started.

How do I sell fart fetish videos – 9 tips to help you

Selling fart fetish videos requires a simple steps, such as:

  1. Platform selection – choose the right platform to make sales. It is recommended that the platform specializes in fetish content in order to avoid breach of terms and conditions. 
  2. Quality content – you need to ensure that the audio and video content is high quality. Remember, the audio is what counts! 
  3. Authenticity – don’t try to fake the noise of a fart, the buyer will be on to you. 
  4. Customizations – buyers will have special requests, consider each request in its merit. 
  5. Props – there are buyers who take customizations one step further by requesting you wear special underwear or an outfit. 
  6. Respectul – please respect the buyer and enjoy the process with them. 
  7. Marketing – promoting your side hustle on social media and other platforms can work well. Be aware of the places you advertise if you wish to remain anonymous. 
  8. Boundaries – many sellers will choose and set strong boundaries. Do not cross your lines and be consistent in your approach. 
  9. Pricing – set pricing that is fair and well priced. 

Expect different flatulence fetish requests

Some video requests may involve you donning sexy underwear that pops out when you fart. Other people may want to watch you fart in a room full of people. How you respond is all that matters. If a purchaser insists on it, refer them to another seller or turn down their requests respectfully.

Our flatulence community at snifffr is open-minded, but very respectful. If a seller gets bad reviews due to dishonesty or arrogance, we will either remove them or issue several warnings. All we want is to be in a space that respects each person’s choices on matters regarding fetishes.

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Be creative

When going live or shooting a fart fetish video, your prospective buyers don’t expect you to turn your ass to the camera and let out one loud fart. They’ve heard farts all their lives, and all they want is something that not everyone has explored. While it’s your choice if you show your face as you pass gas, most people want to know who is behind the fart that’s turning them on.

To make your videos worth watching to the end, try to show your bum moving as you produce sounding farts. If you feel bold enough and don’t mind what society will perceive of you, try showing your face. You can also try role-playing scenarios to add a little mystery behind your farts.

Connecting with a fart fetish dealer can provide additional insights and tips for creating compelling content. These individuals often have extensive experience and can offer valuable advice on maximizing your success in the fetish market.

Don’t fake it

We’ve all tried making fart sounds using our mouths to create humor. So as you create your video, it is easy to succumb to the temptation of making fart sounds through your mouth, an app or soundboard. Chances are your buyers will realize the tricks you’re using, and they will want nothing to do with you. So if you’re unable to fart, don’t fake it. If you’ve run out of farts, postpone your video-making until your stomach is filled with so much gas that it can’t wait to let it all out. Be truthful with your fart fetish video. 

Pump it up

The last thing you want is to set your camera only to realize you can’t fart. Fortunately, there is a tool called an enema bulb to help you with that. It works by forcing air into your bum and coming back out like a fart. 

Ensure the camera audio works perfectly

While silent flatulence emits the most pungent smells, they won’t help much if you’re trying to create a fart fetish video. Your audience needs to hear it to get sexually aroused. For this reason, it is essential to test out your camera audio to ensure the farting sound is captured. Sometimes, the room might be filled with echoes, compromising the audio quality of your farts. To ensure your flatulent sounds come out perfectly and match the expression on your face, tailor your camera settings.

Many fart fetish websites offer guides and tips for improving your video production quality. These resources can be invaluable in helping you create content that resonates with your audience and meets their specific desires.


At snifffr, we value and respect different sex fetishes. Our goal is to help people reach their sexual potential by identifying what turns them on. Whether your fetish involves body odor or farts, we will have you covered. Our community strives to make people go public on what society perceives to be embarrassing. We take pride in offering tips to anyone looking to earn money from a sexual fetish. 

By joining a fart fetish website like snifffr, you gain access to a vast network of enthusiasts and resources designed to help you succeed. The platform’s dedication to privacy and security ensures that all transactions and interactions remain confidential, allowing you to enjoy your fetish without worry.

So, if you are ready to dive into the world of fart fetish websites and start making connections, sign up today. Discover the endless possibilities and find out why snifffr is the go-to destination for all your fetish needs.

Women displaying panties that she will fart in


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