A Beginner’s Guide to Selling Dirty Panties on Reddit: The snifffr Guide

Have you been thinking about starting a side hustle selling your used panties? Or have you been wondering which platforms to use to ensure you make a sale and make a nice sum of money as another income stream?

You might be familiar with snifffr, of course, and the benefits we provide to sellers and buyers who love to indulge in their used underwear fetishes - all on one safe marketplace.

We do understand, though, that you might be thinking of branching out and even trying out more places where your dirty underwear can land a sweet spot for a sale. After all, who wouldn’t want to get even more profits from connecting with potential buyers who share your interest in used underwear and cannot wait to buy your items!

By used panties on reddit

Now, one such place is the fascinating world of used panties on Reddit - a platform that you are likely familiar with that people often trawl to find answers to various questions or interests.

But, did you know that you can sell used underwear on this site as well? It’s true - if you are looking in the right places

As one writer for Cracked discovered, her first sale on Reddit for used underwear netted $75 in one hour. Another erotic content creator also achieved success via Reddit sales, and even scored big with foot-related content that sold online.

Before we get into today’s guide on how to sell your used underwear on Reddit, just a reminder that the Reddit platform might be experienced differently than selling on snifffr. We will provide as much information as possible here, but do remember the ground rules: Always ensure your personal safety and a high level of discretion when selling used underwear on Reddit.

Now, let’s get started by looking at the Reddit marketplace first.

What is Reddit exactly, and how does selling on this platform work?

In its most basic definition, Reddit is a social platform where users curate news that is then voted on. There are a lot of discussions that frequently happen on this site, and to register on Reddit is free.

This online platform contains several sub-communities, which are called subreddits - and it is this feature that you would likely use to sell your used underwear on Reddit. Product-focused Reddits especially can help people to discover your content.

So, which subreddits are the popular ones for selling used underwear? Let’s check them out!

Top subreddits for selling dirty underwear on Reddit

There are loads of subreddits that are trending or showing a lot of growth. However, if you want to optimise your chances of your content being discovered it is important to use the right subreddits.

You could try starting your own subreddit, but if you are new to selling used underwear on Reddit, you might fare better tapping into existing channels where you know there are already eager buyers searching for exactly what you are offering.

So, without further ado, here are the top subreddits to consider for selling dirty underwear on Reddit!


This one seems pretty obvious, right? The name says it all! This subreddit is used by both sellers and buyers on Reddit - and if you are wondering, yes there are some big rules to ensure that the selling process does not violate community standards.

Some of these rules you might have seen on snifffr too, such as no sellers under 18, and no underage mentions or content is allowed. Also, the dirty underwear that you are selling on Reddit is limited to your profile specifically, and no group selling is allowed.

Now, when it comes to the items that you can sell in this subreddit, it’s important to remember that it is exclusively tangible projects, so no digital content of any sort.

You furthermore need to ensure that you properly describe your items with the correct keyword portions. This includes mentioning what you are selling, what the location is, describing your item, as well as adding details on your used underwear and which method of payment you prefer.

Usually, buyers who frequent this subreddit will want to make their purchases here, so keep in mind that they likely do not want to be redirected to another platform.


Like the subreddit described above, sellers on this one also need to be older than 18, and include similar descriptions. Their profiles also need to be verified, and transfers from other subreddits, such as r/NSFWBuys, r/sexsells and r/fetishselling are allowed.


This subreddit is also strictly for over 18s, and can include promoting your OnlyFans account, but not as your main posting topic. If you have an OnlyFans account, it can be a good solution for payments, but ensure you have other options for buyers who would rather prefer using another third-party app.


This saucy subreddit is a big NSFW space, but that being said, remember to keep the rules in mind for this section. There is a lot of shady content that is prohibited by Reddit, so ensure that when you are selling your dirty underwear that you adhere to the rules (plus as we mentioned above, the legal age for selling items).

Also, carefully label your posts to ensure that it is clear what you are selling and what buyers could expect.

Why should I consider selling used underwear on Reddit?

Consider, for a moment, the vast number of users that frequent this platform - around 52 million, to be exact, with slightly more male than female users in the US.

There is a big demographic here that could access your posts, provided you optimise your content with the right keywords when putting up posts for selling used underwear on Reddit.

As mentioned above, the key subreddits for dirty underwear can help you make your content discoverable, so check those ones out to see what your competition is doing, and how you can make your posts interesting and exciting.

Another consideration for selling used underwear on Reddit which is a big one, is to remember to not only post selling content. A good rule of thumb is to do 9 regular posts per promotion post - this will show that you are not exclusively using Reddit just for selling dirty underwear.

Which payment methods should I use when selling dirty underwear on Reddit?

Always use third-party apps that will not expose your identity or personal details. It is a good idea to include in your seller’s posts which payment methods buyers could use, as this can ensure you are paid on your terms and do not need to spend unnecessary time explaining payment options, as the information is already posted.

What should I keep in mind when shipping used underwear sold on Reddit?

If you are familiar with selling on snifffr, this one might sound familiar: Always retain anonymity by marking the send and receive addresses the same. Ensure that your items are discreetly packed, and will not easily open up during shipping.

A couple of key takeaways for selling used underwear on Reddi

Just as you would see on snifffr, both women and men can enjoy selling their used underwear on Reddit - provided that they are adult sellers who adhere to the community rules and community standards.

Also, always optimise your posts with tags such as [Selling], a description of your seller profile and the items that buyers can purchase. Keep it interesting, authentic and make buyers want to reach out to you!

Another factor to remember is that posts on Reddit can be upvoted or down-voted. So, show support for some of your fellow sellers too by voting their posts up - they might just return the favour!

Lastly, do some research before you start selling your used underwear on Reddit. The platform has a pretty clean-cut rule guide that you can read through to get an idea of how the process works, and how to create selling success.

FAQ time!

Now, let’s take a look at some questions that you might have about used underwear on Reddit.

You need to be older than 18. No underage content of any sort is allowed on Reddit - this includes promoting items as if they were worn by teenagers, for example.
Check out the subreddits we mentioned where you will likely find sellers promoting their items. These include r/UsedPanties, r/thePantyDrawer, r/NSFWBuys and r/SexSells.
Have a look at this guide for all the details on what you need to know as a new underwear seller.
Ensure that you include the word “selling”, as well as a clear, fun descriptor of your items.
Snifffr provides a trusted, proven alternative as a platform for used underwear for sellers and buyers. Our community is dedicated to the buying of dirty underwear, and we provide additional services such as live online chat and more! So, if you would prefer working on a sellers’ or buyers’ platform directly, snifffr is a great place to interact with several like-minded individuals. Visit our homepage today to grab all the details

Did you enjoy our guide on selling used underwear on Reddit? If you need more information, just let us know - and always remember, sell responsibly!

Written by: Laura Thorpe