The do’s and don’ts of selling used socks online

If you consider the content of your socks drawer, is it bursting with pairs of various sock designs and colours? And could you perhaps put some aside to wear with the plan to sell them on an online marketplace such as snifffr where the smell of your foot scent is simply amazing?

Whether your used socks smell naturally vinegary or sweaty, they can appeal to a wide variety of buyers who love getting a whiff of these items.

An example of one such buyer is a UK man who gladly spent around $276 monthly buying dirty socks – and even added video content to his purchases for more dirty feet pleasure.

Dirty fishnet socks

Arousal from foot odour, called olfactophilia, is often even more intense with stronger footy smells – which means if you are into the business of selling used socks, you need to ensure that they encapsulate those scents!

Used socks can also be more than just dirty footwear: They can represent a certain sense of style and reveal a bit of seller personality too. After all, a pair of slinky black ankle socks could have a story to tell for sure!

Therefore, selling used socks really is a package deal: Just like selling used panties, it is a combination of how it looks, how it sells and what the story is behind them.

Now, all of this being said, it is important to remember that selling used socks is not just about throwing out items out of your cupboard. Certain do’s and don’ts need to be well-thought-out if you want to make a good income.

Let’s step into the do’s category first.


  1. Take great pictures of your socks - wearing them is even better!

Chances are that buyers looking for alluring dirty socks love pretty feet too. So, “dress up” your feet in your worn socks to show them off!

Make sure that it is easy to see your socks’ design, and take clear, in-focus pictures that will make an impact.

  1. Make the “story” behind your socks part of the selling adventure

Perhaps you are selling old gym socks. Or you wore them somewhere significant that will always have special meaning for you.

Used socks enthusiasts will love this extra bit of information. They will know a bit more of the history behind the scent of your socks, and enjoy an extra thrill

  1. Have a variety of socks to choose from

Cheeky stripes, anyone? How about cute bows? Or perhaps some designer work socks that are all about a bit of status!

The look of your socks can help attract buyers to your listings and profile, so consider which socks are sure to make the right impression.

  1. Price them just right – and consider special deals

A good rule of thumb is to ask around $10 to $30 for a pair of used socks. It is a good starting point, and if you want to do extra research, you can also have a look at what other sellers are charging.

  1. Add extra content for buyers interested in foot visual extras

Foot visuals and extra socks pics? Your ideal buyers might be looking for just that – and they will likely be willing to pay to get access!

So, think about fun and thrilling pictures that you can add as private content, which can boost your used socks sales.

  1. Package socks that are heading to buyers discreetly – and smartly

When you are preparing your socks to be sent off to buyers, preserving the scent that they carry is key. So, packing them in zipper seal bags is similar that will ensure that they stay fragrant, and that the outer packaging is not see-through.


  1. Be open to chatting with buyers and hearing what they are looking for


Chatting with buyers through online chat and messaging allows you to get an idea of what they want in used socks. It also gives them a chance to get to know you and your unique socks offering. It is worth it to have communication before making a sale – provided it is in a way that you are comfortable with.

Now that we have covered what you should be doing when selling used socks, let’s check out some of the don’ts that you need to avoid.


  1. Be careful of selling socks that have a lot of wear and tear

Now, for some buyers, the odd hole or tear might not be an issue. But you really want to avoid putting socks up for sale that look like they are one trip away from the trash.

Remember, even though it is the odour of your dirty socks that is first prize, they still need to look a bit attractive and worth buying.

  1. Do not wash your socks before selling them

If you have spent a good chunk of time negotiating a sock sale with a buyer, the last thing they want is receiving squeaky clean socks minus any odour. They need to be smelly – that’s the whole point.

It is really the odour that sells, so resist the urge to pop them in the wash: Your buyers would want those smells with their ordered dirty socks!

  1. Don’t just take pictures of socks on a pile

Your socks need to be displayed in an interesting and intriguing way, but if you just toss them on the floor in a heap, they might not have the same attraction as a pair of attractive feet showing them off.

Keep in mind that they might just be socks, but you need to showcase them like the prime listing items that they are.

  1. Watch out for expensive price tags

If you are starting out selling used socks, do not fall into that trap of pricing your used socks too high. It can be tempting to want to make a big sale with those first sock sales, but don’t go overboard. Otherwise, buyers might lose interest and move on to a more attractive seller profile.

Out of the sock drawer and into the marketplace!

Used socks are fantastic ways to earn cash, so if you are looking for a side hustle that includes everyday items that you have at home, why not give it a go!

It won’t take endless hours to set up your business, and the reward will be amazing if you stay dedicated to creating incredible listings. Simply slip on your socks and get them ready for their ideal buyers.

After all, your socks could have the scent and story that buyers could be looking for, so take a step in the right direction with an online marketplace such as snifffr!


Have you enjoyed our list of considerations when you want to sell used socks online? Check out some of our frequently asked questions below.

If you are older than 18, sell on a vetted platform such as snifffr, and you are only selling to buyers that are also older than 18, everything is above board.
A legit online marketplace such as snifffr is always ideal. On our platform, sellers can be assured that they can do business on a safe site where they can discover great buyers from the used sock fetish community.
Nope – both men and women can put their dirty socks up for sale. The same rules apply: Socks should have odours, and listings should look interesting and appealing. Always put your unique selling points front and centre in your used socks listings as well – let buyers know what they are going to love about your dirty socks!
No, this is not allowed on eBay. Rather stick to an online marketplace such as snifffr where everything is in place to sell used socks on a platform curated especially for the fetish community.
Vacuum-packing your socks in zip-seal bags will allow you to retain their scent. The outer packaging should never be see-through – always think of your buyers and their discretion. Extra tip: Never include your address on envelopes; make your buyer’s postal address both the sender and receiver address.
Absolutely! If they love how your socks smell and had an overall good experience, they are sure to return for more of what they love.
If you put in the effort to have great listings and enticing additional paid-for content, it can be a way to make money selling your used socks.

We hope you have lots of inspiration to become a savvy used socks seller after reading today’s article. Be sure to check out our article on used sock fetishes for extra motivation!

Written by: Laura Thorpe