Selling Used Underwear Anonymously on Sniffr

The first time most people hear about selling used underwear, they are intrigued. It might seem a little adventurous or something they did not consider. However, in the modern world, this is growing to become a fetish for some people. It’s taking the world by storm!

So, as for you, what do you do with your used underwear? Do you dispose of them? Did you know that you could actually be selling your used underwear anonymously and make some money? But how exactly do you go about selling used underwear?

Helpful Steps About Selling Used Underwear.

  1. Step #1 to selling used underwear online: Sign up for a free account on snifffr. This is the first and easy step. The account is totally free. Make sure you add payment methods of your preference. Customers will pay you using that.
  1. Step #2 to selling used underwear online: connect with potential buyers. Begin to connect with your potential clients. Identify the kind of clients whom you may share similarities in terms of tastes in color, design, material, etc. of the underwear. Initiate chat-based communication with them. That way you get to know willing buyers. Chat can be done through the online chat platform or by private messaging.
  1. Step #3 to selling used underwear online: Share with willing buyers only your information. This information may include payment method, their location address, expected delivery time, etc. Remember that the goal here is to remain as anonymous as possible. Therefore, ensure that the return address is similar to the delivery one. You have to remain anonymous. Of course, if you wish to disclose your full identity, its at your own discretion.
  1. Step #4 to selling used underwear online: Receive your payment. Before you ship your used underwear, ensure that you are paid first. Once payment confirmation is received, ship the package. Remember that this is a transaction between you and your customer only.

Commonly Asked Questions About Selling Used Underwear

For customers who are new on the snifffr website, you may have many questions. Customer questions touch on areas such as:

  1. Legitimacy. Some customers have concern over the legitimacy sellers and buyers. As for the sellers’ legitimacy, make sure you deal with like a like-minded seller. That is why snifffr provides chat functionality to ensure that buyer-seller interaction is as honest and professional as possible.
  2. The anonymity of personal information. Customers raised privacy issues regarding personal information. snifffr ensures that a good level of anonymity is maintained. Therefore, your personal information such as email address, and phone contacts, are safely hidden from both seller and buyer. All interaction and transactions happen on snifffr.
  3. Account profile picture. Customers wonder whether they can use their real pictures for their account profile. You are selling used underwear online; therefore, you definitely don’t want to show your face in the account as anonymity is critical. You may use an avatar instead for your profile photo. However, some users do choose to show their faces at their own discretion.

Selling your used underwear online can be fun. Enjoy the process and make money at the same time!

Written by: Laura Thorpe